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Answered By: Michael Pujals
Last Updated: Feb 21, 2024     Views: 7

First you'll need to create an account with Dominican Scholar. Once you have your account set up follow the steps to deposit your research poster and/or your senior thesis.

To create an account with Dominican Scholar:

  1. Go to Dominican Scholar > My Account
  2. From the account login page you'll need to click on Sign Up located to the left of the Log In button
  3. From there you'll enter your email address and name and you'll be asked to create a password
  4. Check your email for an account confirmation (check your spam folder if you don't see it)

image of dominican scholar account login page

Follow these steps to deposit your manuscript:

  1. Save your poster as a PDF document
  2. Go to Dominican Scholar and choose the Submit Research link in the left-side menu
  3. Choose the appropriate submission link for your program (e.g. Nursing | Student Research Poster)
  4. Login with the username and password that you created earlier
  5. Read and accept the Terms of Agreement and fill out the subsequent form and upload your manuscript