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Answered By: Michael Pujals
Last Updated: Jan 23, 2019     Views: 132

There are a few steps involved but it's easy to do, it only takes a couple of minutes.

Adding in Section Breaks

To have different parts of your paper to have different formatting you need to add in Section Breaks and in this case, Continuous Section Breaks.

  1. So you can see what's happening with the formatting of your paper you want to see the nonprinting characters of your paper (e.g. lines breaks, section breaks, etc.). To do this look at the top of the ribbon in Word and look for the Paragraph Symbol -- ¶ - and click on it.
  2. Find the area on your paper where the page numbers will change and place your cursor there
  3. From the menu at the top of your screen, choose Insert > Break > Section Break (Continuous)

Separating Your Sections

So you've created 2 sections but now you need to make it so the can be separately manipulated.

  1. Scroll down to where your second section begins and double-click in the footer (i.e. the bottom of the page)
  2. You should see a label on the footer that should change between sections. The first section will have the label like Footer-Section 1 and the second section will have the label Footer-Section 2 | Same as Previous. We want to get rid of the that Same as Previous
  3. With your footer still open, look in your ribbon for Header and Footer (probably highlighted in lavender) Click on that.
  4. Look for Link to Previous and uncheck that box. Your sections will now work separately.

Adding Page Numbers to Section 1

  1. Go to your first page, and double click on the footer if it's not already open
  2. Place your cursor in the footer
  3. From the menu at the top of your screen choose Insert > Page Numbers
  4. A dialog box will open. Click on Format
  5. Choose your number format (in this case lower-case Roman numerals) and start at page 1, click OK
  6. Uncheck Show number on first page (this will keep the title page as page 1 but a number won't show) and Click OK

Section 1 will now have page numbers in lower-case Roman numerals and Section 2 shouldn't show any page numbers.

Adding Page Numbers to Section 2

  1. Go to your first page of Section 2, and double click on the footer if it's not already open
  2. Place your cursor in the footer
  3. From the menu at the top of your screen choose Insert > Page Numbers
  4. A dialog box will open. Click on Format
  5. Choose your number format (in this case Arabic numerals) and start at page 1, click OK
  6. Click OK

Section 2 will now have page numbers in Arabic numbers.

That's it.
