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Answered By: Amy Gilbert
Last Updated: Sep 28, 2018     Views: 107

From the Library home page, click on Databases

On the left side, choose the Subject Area of "Business and Leadership".

Scroll down to the heading of Industry Research where you will find several databases to help you with your industries research.

A recommended database to start with is First Research.

Also knowing the North American Industry Code Standard (NAICS) for your industry is helpful.  The NAICS is number, up to 6 digits, used to represent a general industry category.  Businesses usually have at least one NAICS code, but usually they have multiple.

Once you have your NAICS code you can search in the databases such as ABI/Inform, Business Source Complete, First Research and Reference USA, among others, to pull out information related to your specific industry.

Stop by the reference desk and ask a librarian for help.