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Answered By: Amy Gilbert
Last Updated: Feb 13, 2020     Views: 91

If you are a student or faculty of Dominican (of if you are a public user on campus) go to PubMed through our databases.

When you find an article in your search results that interests you, click on the title.  Once you are on the page with the article information and abstract, look for the LinkSource button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Click on the button.  

If we have the article in our databases, you'll be taken to the article. If we don't you'll be asked if you want to order the article via interlibrary loan (only available to the Dominican community).

Unfortunately, we don't have access to all of the articles and there is no way to find out unless you click on the LinkSource button.  


If you find an article in without going through the Library's website, you can see if we have the article by searching for the journal title in our Journal List and see if we have the appropriate date range available.